Gestion énergétique

Scaphandre, un outil metrics pour mesurer la consomation de vos machines, non seulement bare-metal mais aussi de vos VM ( qemu et kvm ) et fonctionne aussi avec Kubernetes.  Hubblo

✨ Features

  • measuring power consumption on bare metal hosts
  • measuring power consumption of qemu/kvm virtual machines from the host
  • exposing power consumption metrics of a virtual machine, to allow manipulating those metrics in the VM as if it was a bare metal machine (relies on hypervisor features)
  • exposing power consumption metrics as a prometheus (HTTP) exporter
  • sending power consumption metrics to riemann
  • sending power consumption metrics to Warp10
  • works on kubernetes
  • storing power consumption metrics in a JSON file
  • showing basic power consumption metrics in the terminal

Here is an example dashboard built thanks to scaphandre:

Energy cost Calculator
Thomas Krenn